As Ramadan Starts, Will It Follow Its Usual Course as a Month of Jihad and Terrorism?
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan began last night, March 22, or today, March 23, depending on which source you consult. While many Muslims globally will spend the month fasting and praying all day and feasting together at night, there will certainly be radical Muslims around the world who will use Ramadan as an excuse to increase terrorist attacks. For many years—even centuries—Ramadan has become to victims of radical Muslims a Month of Jihad and Terrorism, an excuse for militants to increase their violent activities in the name of religious zeal.
But that’s hardly surprising, since Islamic holy writings explicitly endorse war and violence against “unbelievers” or Muslims who are seen as apostates or religious failures in some way (the overwhelming majority of honor killings worldwide—about 91%—are committed by Muslims). As such an important period religiously, Ramadan is a bloody time for the the subset of Muslims who believe firmly in terrorism, harming both peaceful Muslims and non-Muslims (reportedly, the majority of Ramadan terrorism victims are Muslim, so the leftist argument that it’s “Islamophobic” to call such violence out is downright silly).