Too many of the same Republicans who reacted with horror at protests and statements in favor of baby-killing Palestinian terrorists spent the days after the 2023 election insisting the Republican Party must compromise on abortion…or the killing of unborn babies. What exactly makes those willing to compromise on abortion morally superior to wokies who chanted the genocidal slogan “From the river to the sea”?
Abortion always and without exception ends an innocent human life. Whether it’s the abortion pill that starves a baby to death or the surgical abortion that literally rips apart and beheads a tiny baby, this is brutal murder, as awful as Hamas’s method of burning alive and beheading babies. Abortions dismember unborn babies, whom science has confirmed as unique human beings from the moment of conception, and Hamas mutilated and tortured children. Indeed, the obviously human body parts of babies slaughtered in surgical abortions are sold for lucrative sums, just as Hamas was paid off by the Palestinian Authority for its terrorism. And again, MURDER IS MURDER. Abortion ALWAYS kills an unrepeatable human, created by God with a unique soul. What divides an abortionist morally from a Hamas terrorist? I would say, nothing.
I saw the parallel between Hamas’s horrific murders and abortion almost immediately, but it turns out I’m not the only one. Fr. Frank Pavone, unjustly laicized last year by woke Pope Francis, has been the head of Priests for Life and a champion of unborn babies and mothers for many years. I had the opportunity to interview him last week, when we discussed the Vatican’s targeting of Bishop Strickland, staying true to Christ in a chaotic world (coming soon on PJ Media), and abortion messaging in an election year (remember, abortion is never necessary to save a woman’s life and is tramautizing for rape victims).
Even though all governors who signed pro-life legislation won in landslides last year, and low Republican voter turnout this year was what allowed a pro-abortion amendment to pass in Ohio, some Republicans are geared up to sacrifice babies’ lives on the off-chance it might buy them a few votes. “[This] would be like saying…my life or yours or anybody else’s should be protected in Mississippi but not in New York, or that it should be protected up until age 65,” Pavone told me. “People wouldn’t even think of talking in those terms, because they know that we’re speaking about something…fundamental, which is life itself…You don’t start calculating how much terrorism is okay.”
Fr. Pavone added, “It’s interesting because if you look at the way that this terrorism that Hamas carried out is being dealt with… all the reasonable people are saying there’s absolutely no justification for what they did.” If mutilating an infant is never justifiable, the same goes for brutally executing a baby in the womb. “We find ourselves talking about the dismemberment and decapitation of babies… When we hear that language, we who deal with the abortion issue full-time…we’re used to hearing that language, that’s what we’re using to describe abortion,” Pavone noted. He advised that Republicans emphasize the “extremism of the other side, and the compassion of our side” (read the rest on PJ Media). Ultimately, polling shows the majority of Americans support at least some abortion restrictions; as Pavone said, to “run away from the issue is both politically unnecessary and morally unjustified.”